


Äàíÿ:  Dear Mums and Dads!

Ñàøà: Dear Grannies and Grandpas!

Äàíÿ: Dear boys and girls!

Äàíÿ, Ñàøà:  Welcome…

Äàíÿ: …to our brand-new show with singing and dancing…

Äàíÿ, Ñàøà:  What do you say, dear.



Àíäðåé Áåðëèí: I say, dear, I don’t want to be Puss in Boots. It’s stupid! I want to be …eh…a mountaineer.




Ñàøà: Dear Mums and Dads

            Dear Grannies and Grandpas…


Ìàðóñÿ: I want to be a Princess!

Àíÿ:  I want to be a Princess!

Ìàðóñÿ: Now it’s my turn!

Àíÿ:  No it’s not, it’s still mine!

Ìàðóñÿ: Cheater!

Àíÿ: Cheater!

Ìàðóñÿ: Liar!

Àíÿ: Liar!

Ìàðóñÿ: Meanie!

Àíÿ: Meanie!

Ìàðóñÿ: I hate you!

Àíÿ: I hate you more!



Càøà: Dear Mums and…planes!


Õðèñòîôîð: You are doing it all wrong!

Càøà: No, am not!

Õðèñòîôîð: Oh yes, you are!



Càøà: Dear Mum…



Àëìàç: Boom-dee-ah-da!  I’m good at singing. And I love singing.



Äàøà: It's too hot here. I’m boiling!

Àëèñà: It’s too cold here. I’m freezing!

Äàøà: Too hot!

Àëèñà: Too cold!



Ìàòâåé: Slap! He's kicking me!

Àíäðåé Äîáðûíèí: Zap! He’s pushing me!



Ïîëèíà: What do you call a boy with a carrot stuck in each ear?

Ñòåïà: I don't know.

Ïîëèíà: Anything, he can’t hear you!

Íèêèòà: What do you call an ugly green thing with long hairy legs?

Ïîëèíà: I don't know.

Îñÿ: Neither do we. But one of them is on your jumper!



Ãðèøà: I’m a cowboy, I’m a cowboy, I’m a wonderful cowboy!

Àíäðåé Áàëè÷åâ: I’m a knight, I’m a knight, I’m a brave knight!


Ëàçàðü: If you are the cowboy and you are the knight, then who am I?


Âñå:  Poopcicle!

You are a poopcicle!


Äàíÿ: Stop it!

Ñàøà:  Stop it!

Äàíÿ, Ñàøà: You need a show of etiquette!

Äàíÿ: The moral of this priceless work…

Ñàøà:….If rightly understood…

Äàíÿ: Will make you…

Ñàøà: And you, and you…

Äàíÿ: …from a horrid child      

      Unnaturally good.





Àíäðåé Áàëè÷åâ: Psst!

Ëàçàðü No!

Àíÿ: Do you want some chocolate?

Ëàçàðü: No!

Ïîëèíà: Do you want a book?

Ëàçàðü: No!

Äàøà: Do you want a hanky?

Ëàçàðü: No, no!

Àíÿ, Ïîëèíà, Äàøà: What do you want?

Ëàçàðü: I want… a baby elephant.

Âñå: A baby elephant?

Ëàçàðü: Yes. A baby elephant.


Ñàøà: Well. You are downtown and there is a gentleman giving baby elephants to people.


Òðåê 12


Ñòåïà: Elephants!

              Baby elephants!

             One a penny, two a penny,

            Baby elephants!  

           If you have no daughters,

          Give them to your sons,

         One a penny, two a penny,

            Baby elephants!  


Àíäðåé Áàëè÷åâ: Elephants. I like elephants.

    I like how they swing through trees

Ëàçàðü: No. Monkeys.



Äàøà: Monkeys, I like monkeys.

I like how they swim in the ocean.

Ëàçàðü: No, that’s fish!



Õðèñòîôîð, Îñÿ: Fish. We like fish.

We like how they scratch at fleas and sniff at trees and bark at the mailman.

Ëàçàðü: No. Dogs.



Äàíÿ, Ñàøà: Dogs. We like dogs.

We like how they say, Cock-a-doodle-doo!

Ëàçàðü: Roosters.



Àëèñà, Àíäðåé Äîáðûíèí: Roosters. We like roosters.

 We like how they eat honey.

Ëàçàðü: Bears



Àíÿ, Íèêèòà: Bears. We like bears.

Running through a maze for some cheese

Ëàçàðü: That’s mice.



Ìàðóñÿ, Ãðèøà, Àíäðåé Áåðëèí: Mice. We like mice.

We like how they say, Oink! Oink! Oink!

Ëàçàðü: Pigs.



Àëìàç, Ìàòâåé: Piggies. We like piggies.

We like how they hop and eat carrots

Ëàçàðü: Bunnies.



Ïîëèíà: Bunnies. I like bunnies.

I like how they stomp through the jungle with their big grey trunks.

Ëàçàðü: Oh, that’s elephants.

Àíäðåé Áàëè÷åâ: That’s what I said.

This is your baby elephant.


Âñå: What do you say, dear?

Ëàçàðü: Nice to meet you!






Äàíÿ: You are picking flowers outside the castle.

Ïîëèíà:  Flowers? Oh, yes!


One for sorrow,

Two for joy,

Three for a girl,

Four for a boy,

Five for silver,

Six for gold,

Seven for a secret

Never to be told.

Eight for a wish,

Nine for a kiss,

Ten for a word you should not miss.


Âñå: Suddenly!

Äàíÿ: A fierce dragon appears. 

          But just then a brave knight gallops up.

Àíäðåé Áàëè÷åâ:  In comes I, King George,

No man can fight me

Îñÿ: In comes I, I can fight you


Àíäðåé Áàëè÷åâ: If your head is made of iron

And your body made of steel,

Legs and arms are made of brass

I'm the man to make you feel.


Îñÿ: You Sir?

Àíäðåé Áàëè÷åâ: Aye Sir.

Îñÿ: Take your sword and try sir.

Âñå(êðîìå Îñè è Àíäðåéÿ Áàëè÷åâà):

 A battle, a battle between you and I,
To see which one on the ground shall lie.


Âñå: What do you say, dear?

Ïîëèíà: Thank you very much!





Äàøà: You are doing your homework.

You are washing up.

You are playing the piano.

You are climbing a mountain!




Àíäðåé Áåðëèí: Victory.

Âñå:  Suddenly…


Ìàòâåé: Doctor, Doctor, come here and see,
Your friend is wounded in the knee;
Doctor, Doctor, play well your part
Your friend is wounded in the heart!


Äàøà: Some ice upon his head will make him better soon

Äàíÿ: Some jam , if spread on bread, or given in a spoon.

Ëàçàðü: An elephant is here, - this picture let him see.

Ìàðóñÿ: A cup of coffee hot can’t do him any harm


Àíäðåé Áåðëèí : A doctor should be fetched and she would cure the arm!


Àíÿ:  Oh! yes, there is a Doctor to be found

To cure our friend who is bleeding on the ground.

I cure the sick of every pain,

And raise the dead to life again.


Âñå( êðîìå Àíè è Àíäðåÿ Áåðëèíà): Mother, mother, Im ill

       Call for the doctor up over the hill.

       Call for the doctor, call for the nurse,

       Call for the lady with the alligator purse.

       Mumps, - said the doctor.

       Measles, - said the nurse.

       Nothing, - said the lady with the alligator purse.



Âñå: What do you say, dear?

Àíÿ: You are welcome!






Ìàðóñÿ: You are at the Princess’ ball.

Äàøà: This is my orchestra of bears.

I want to tell you a secret.

Àëìàç: Oh, a secret!


Sorry what?

Äàøà: I…

Âñå: What do you say dear?

Àëìàç: Sorry, what?




Àíäðåé Áåðëèí: You are

Àëèñà: You are…

Àíäðåé Áåðëèí, Àëèñà: She is…

Àíäðåé Áåðëèí: …a cowboy riding around the range.



Ìàðóñÿ: You know I’d love to be a cowboy

Just me and my trusty horse named Fred

And a thousand noisy cows around us

We’d make sure they were all happy and fed




Âñå: Suddenly…

Àíäðåé Áåðëèí: Bad Bill comes up with a gun.

Íèêèòà: With two guns!

Äàíÿ: With four guns!

Ãðèøà: With eleven guns!

Íèêèòà: Would you like me to shoot a hole in your head?


Âñå: What do you say, dear?

Ìàðóñÿ: No, thank you.





Ìàòâåé: You are going shopping.



   Àëèñà:: I found a box, - said the fox.

   Àíÿ: What is that? – said the cat.

    Àëèñà: It is big, - said the pig.

    Àíÿ: Let me see, - said the bee.

    Àëèñà: Open it up, - said the pup

    Àíÿ: How? – said the cow.

    Àëèñà: I’ll use force, - said the horse.

    Àíÿ:     Use a bat, - said the rat.

    Àëèñà: I will try, - said the fly

     Àíÿ: Good luck, - said the duck


Âñå: What do you say, dear?

Àíÿ, Àëèñà:  See you later, alligator.





Äàøà: You are at school.



Ñàøà: When teacher says «Hello!»

Äàíÿ, Còåïà: We say «Good bye!»


Àëèñà: When teacher says «Laugh!»

Àíäðåé Áåðëèí, Àíäðåé Äîáðûíèí: We start to cry.


Äàøà:  When teacher says «Óou’re stupid!»

Àëìàç, Ìàòâåé: We say «We’re clever!»


Ïîëèíà: When teacher says «Always!»

Õðèñòîôîð: We say «Never!»


Àíÿ, Ìàðóñÿ: When teacher says Stand!

Îñÿ, Íèêèòà: We always sit.


Ìàëü÷èêè: Whatever teacher says

We do the opposite.


Äåâî÷êè: Suddenly…

Äàøà: the head comes up.

Ãðèøà: With a gun?

Äàøà: No.

Ãðèøà: With two guns!


Äåâî÷êè: What do you say, dear?

Àíäðåé Áàëè÷åâ: It’s not my fault!






Àíÿ:  You are flying around in your airplane.


Õðèñòîôîð:  I’m tired of the city, of smoke stack and steel
I’m tired of the grind of the factory wheel
I’m spreadin' my wings and I’m ready to fly
To the land of the wide open sky
Ñàøà: Do drop in for tea sometime!
Õðèñòîôîð: And so I do, only it makes a rather large hole in her roof.

Âñå:. What do you say, dear?

Ñàøà: Help yourself to tea.





Õðèñòîôîð: All your friends come to your house for a party.



Äàøà: My orchestra of bears.



Àíäðåé Äîáðûíèí:


Boys and girls, come out to play

The moon is shining as bright as day!


Leave your supper and leave your sleep,

And come with your playfellows into the street


Come with a whistle, come with a call,

Come with a good will, or come not at all





Ôàíÿ: Suddenly…

Ìåäâåäè: We want to eat everybody up.


Ôàíÿ: What do you say, dear?

Âñå: This is the end. Good bye.